Religion and Post-Conflict Statebuilding: Roman Catholic and Sunni Islamic Perspectives
Palgrave Macmillan, 2015

'Religion and Post-Conflict State building is a much-needed contribution to the study of religion and politics. The book offers a useful review of the existing literature on state-building, successfully points out the importance of religion and religious institutions, and consequently opens the floor for future research. And finally, most simply but perhaps most importantly, it convinces the reader that in studying the political aftermath of conflict, religion matters.'
- Dr. Marko Vekovic, Journal of Politics, Religion and Ideology
'Dragovic's book is thus an extremely important contribution because it moves beyond questions about the utility of religion for state-building and inquires about the actual perspectives of two religious traditions—Roman Catholicism and Sunni Islam—on the question of state-building.'
- Dr. Laurie Johnston, Review of Faith and International Affairs
'The author's awareness of various theological views within both Sunni Islam and Catholicism, along with his skill in analysing contemporary issues in conflict resolution and state-building based on theological principles, distinguishes this book from other literature in the field.'
- Dr. Shameer Modongal, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Was religion a friend or foe in the post-conflict state-building endeavours of Iraq and Afghanistan? Largely ignored in academia and policy circles alike, religious institutions are important non-state actors that wield considerable influence and can draw upon extensive resources. Dragovic begins by considering how the unique traits of religious institutions can make or break state-building efforts. But understanding how religious institutions can contribute does not explain why they would.
Drawing from the theologies of Roman Catholicism and Sunni Islam, the book diverges from traditional approaches such as rational choice theory and instead embraces a teleological view, recognising the importance of belief in understanding a religious institution's motivations to act as a friend or spoiler. Drawing upon the author's extensive experience as a practitioner, the book then applies the theory to the practical case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina, highlighting how the international community missed an opportunity to their detriment.
Interview with the author
By Prof. Antony Gill
Length 33:46
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Full Arabic translation: دور الدين في إعادة بناء دولة سوريا: دراسة حالة الإسلام السني available here.
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